
Our center is exclusively aimed for young Jewish people between the ages 18-35, Students in Berlin (local students as well as foreign students learning here) young professionals etc, young tourist in passage in Berlin are also welcomed.


Wilmersdorfer Strasse 96, 10629 Berlin, Germany

Current audience

100 young people


We have a synagogue at our place, we are having weekly Friday Night prayers (in our plan is to have a weekly shabbat morning prayer as well, even a daily office), we are having weekly friday night meals with an average of 30 people coming every week more or less, a weekly Shiur on fascinating jewish topics (this week, shiur on Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, see joint picture), monthly (or sometimes biweekly) young women’s event with my wife Mushka, every holiday we are celebrating with the students with the rituals, prayers, meals, parties, event etc, on a daily basis we are visiting or get visited by young people whether to learn one on one, help to put tefillin or Mesusa, or even just to shmooze on a cup of coffee be a listening ear and helping hand, etc as well as helping the best we can to the physical needs (Kosher food, finding accomodation, help with registrations etc etc).

In short like i wrote before we are trying to be “a jewish address”.

Our Gallery

View the photos from our K Space and feel our energy!


K Space Berlin News


What the youth says about K Space
I really enjoy spending time at kSpace with the Pinson‘s Family. It is always a very warm welcome. The atmosphere for the Shabbes or Holidays is like you are a part of this huge family. You are always invited to help prepare the food (yes everything is Home/Selfmade!) just text Rebetzin Mushka and she’ll let you know when you can come over learn about the kosher ways how to prepare the food, new dishes and all of that while actually having fun and cooking 😉 If you’re not into cooking Rabi Levi is also giving Shiurim 😉 I’m looking forward for my next Shabbes Dinner with you guys 😘 Best


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